Let's make a difference together.

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Hi, I’m Emily.

I'm a behavioral and somatic therapist specializing in the treatment of trauma and anxiety disorders, offering focused treatment options to help ease moments of crisis today, while equipping you with the skills to manage your wellness tomorrow and beyond.


PTSD & Trauma

From combat and serious accidents, to non-consensual sexual experiences, any traumatic event can have lasting effects. I specialize in leveraging prolonged exposure therapy and somatic experiencing to help people process and heal.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Also known as OCD, it's much more than being "neurotic" or "a perfectionist". It's a unique anxiety disorder requiring targeted treatment. I am specially trained in Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (Ex/RP), which is a highly effective, evidence-based treatment protocol for OCD.


Panic Disorder & Phobias:

Panic attacks, phobias, and even the fear of panic itself – all can feel overwhelming and debilitating. Through carefully tailored exposure therapy, including in-session, imaginal, and outside exposures, I have helped countless patients regain their sense of calm and control.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder

GAD is one of the most common and most easily overlooked anxiety disorders, with patients often brushed off as "worriers". Over the years, I've found that acceptance-based behavioral and exposure therapy can disrupt these cycles of worry, avoidance, and stress to restore a present and engaged state.


"Emily communicated a mix of candor and vulnerability that created a sense of shared space, of intimacy – even by Zoom"

- New York Times Magazine, The Therapy Issue, May 2023


Let’s work together.

If you are experiencing any of these things, let’s connect and see what we can do together.

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